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Jane Goodall Institute

The Colors of Gombe Coloring Book Digital Download

Price: $14.99

    **This coloring book is available as a digital download.  You will receive an order confirmation, and a separate email with a secure link to download the coloring book.**

    In July of 1960, a young woman arrived on the shores of Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania. Without realizing it, she would soon change the world forever. Jane Goodall, at age 26, became the first to formally observe chimpanzees in the wild, and her discoveries changed the way we understand our closest living relatives and ourselves. In this one-of-a-kind anniversary coloring book, available as a digital download, you'll explore Gombe with Jane from 1960 to today.

    Over the last six decades, Dr. Goodall and the Jane Goodall Institute (JGI) have established and maintained the longest running study of wild chimpanzees in the world. These discoveries continue to shape our knowledge of great apes, human evolution, health, ecology and so much more! Get to know Jane's story and explore the amazing world of Gombe by adding all of the vibrant colors you can imagine to the pages of this book!

    When you purchase this item, you'll be directly supporting the Jane Goodall Institute in our efforts to grow understanding of and protect chimpanzees, other species and their habitats, demand ethical treatment for all animals, as well as to grow the next generation of compassionate young people through JGI's youth program Roots & Shoots.